Ongoing Economic Education You Deserve

Gold has increased by almost 6,000 percent since it was equal with the dollar; reflecting the diminishing purchasing power of the dollar itself. There has never been a more important time in history to educate yourself on the economic reality we are currently walking through. We've helped thousands of people utilize our strategies to secure their wealth and assets for decades to come.

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Gold is money. Everything else is credit.

J.P. Morgan JPMorgan Chase & Co

Gold 101

An Introduction to Gold

History of Gold


Over the past 5,000 years, from the Egyptian Pharaohs and the merchants of 14th century Venice, to world governments in the space age, man has treasured Gold for its utility and value during times of both prosperity and disparity.

Through the rise and fall of great dynasties and civilizations, gold has maintained its purchasing power as a reliable store of value for millennia. Gold has been used as money since 560 B.C., when King Croesus of Lydia created a Gold coin in his own image. Ever since, it has continued to increase its long-term value, and remains the world’s most universally accepted form of money.

Today, the demand for gold continues to flourish globally.


Wealth Protection During Uncertain Times

The only constant in the world (and throughout history) is change. And when those changes bring uncertainty, people and investors move into Gold as it is a Safe-Heaven Asset. When large corporations go bankrupt, economies struggle, stock markets crash, pandemics arise, wars or civil unrest erupt, governments fail, and/or currencies collapse; you can count on Gold to preserve your wealth through it all. Deflation and inflation, depression and prosperity, boom and bust, war and peace, Gold has stood firm as a store of value and a trusted medium of exchange.

Paper assets can soar in perceived value. However, many times this is the perception management of inflation, in which the dollar is actually losing it's true value, which is why it takes more of dollars to purchase the same things. History proves that Fiat (paper) money is designed to go to zero through inflation, whereas Gold has intrinsic value in which it maintains forever. Paper money is a debt instrument. Gold is an asset of wealth in its own right. It does not depend upon any government’s, corporation’s, or individual’s promise to repay.

History of Gold

Why Own Gold?


Gold is first and foremost a form of wealth insurance – protection against the periodic setbacks suffered by traditional paper assets, including stocks, bonds and currencies, especially the US dollar.

In the last several years, we have seen Gold fulfill its role as wealth insurance in the face of a series of crises involving everything from terrorist attacks to bank failures. However, in the 1990's, Gold’s key role as wealth insurance was not so apparent to investors. The 90’s were characterized by rising stock markets, a strong dollar, low inflation, stable interest rates, and peace and prosperity. Most investors saw little need for Gold in their financial plans.

Just because a portfolio did fine without Gold during the 1990’s does not mean that the protection it provides was not needed. A weakening dollar, market crashes, investment bank collapses, and international turmoil are all cyclical events we continue to witness. Those that held Gold through these times have not only protected their wealth, but have seen the price of their Gold rise substantially.

The simple fact of our history has continued to indicate Gold must be a permanent fixture in every portfolio. And at ITM Trading, we also practice what we preach. Every Gold & Silver Analyst and Consultant including our President and C-Level Executives, all purchase Gold regularly within the framework of our proprietary strategy.

Why Own Gold

How to Buy Gold


True diversification is the key to financial success, which may be one reason you are considering Gold & Silver over the paper dollar. However, the same is true of the precious metals asset class. Since each type of Gold & Silver support different goals, Your Wealth Shield™ Strategy is designed to use a diverse range of products to achieve your individual objectives. This is done by exploring each of the following categories Wealth Protection, Sustained Living, Opportunity Positioning, and Legacy Building.

There are a wide variety of products available to those who want the wealth protection and profit potential of Gold & Silver. When you acquire precious metals properly, it can safeguard 100% of your wealth, assets, and investments. Unfortunately, many companies are only selling a limited range of products, and they don't employ Gold & Silver Analysts who deeply understand Economics and Currency Life-Cycles.

Two keys to success start with clarifying your individual goals for the future, then identify your most at-risk wealth and assets. From this vantage point, a Gold & Silver Analyst can intelligently walk you through the right types, qualities, dates, and quantities which will give you the highest level of protection.

For more information on these types of strategies, contact us directly at 888-OWN-GOLD and we'll connect you with one of our in-house Gold & Silver Analysts. When you work with ITM Trading, we're in your corner for life, and you'll receive your own private consultant from here on out.

How to Buy Gold and Silver

Relevant Resources

You wouldn't trust just anyone with your financial future, and neither do we. This curated content is vetted by our experienced team of analysts and will save you vital time as you prepare during the current economic crisis.

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Three Ways to Secure Your Wealth


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Proven to empower you to survive and thrive any economic crisis, this 4-part strategy is your guide to Gold & Silver as you make your wealth last forever.

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